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A Few Helpful Phrases in Orcish
"Ashdautas Vrasubatlat" -- "Someday I will kill you" (A standard Orcish greeting)
"Nar Udautas" -- "Not today" (The standard reply)
"Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi" -- "Do not die in bed" (This has several meanings)
"Ang Gijak-Ishi" (Angijak)-- "Iron in the Blood" (A high compliment)
"Lul Gijak-Ishi" (Lulgijak) -- "Flowers in the Blood" (usually in reference to Elves)
"Amal shufar, at rrug" -- "Where there's a whip, there's a way."
"Snaga nar baj lufut" -- "Slaves don't make war."
"Ambor mabas lufut" -- Liquor after war"
"Vras gruiuk" -- "Kill the women"
"Mabaj nar armauk" -- "I have no enemies" (an Orcish lament)
"Mabaj bot ob armauk" -- "I have a world of enemies"
"Mirdautas vras" -- "It is a good day to kill"
"Vrasubatburuk ug butharubatgruiuk" -- "We will kill all the men and sodomize all the women" (The Orcish equivalent of 'cheers')
Orcish Oaths
"Afar Angathfark" -- "By the forge of my soul!"
"Afar Vadokanuk" -- "By all the dead!"
Orcish Insults
"Lul Gijak-Ishi" (Lulgijak) -- "Flowers in the Blood" (interchangeably "Elf" or "Pussy")
"Zanbaur" -- "Elfson"
"Nar Thos" -- "No Sack"
"Undur Kurv" -- "Fat Whore
Orcish Numbers
One -- Ash
Two -- Shun
Three -- Gakh
Four -- Jhet
Five -- Krak
Six -- Djor
Seven -- Iet
Eight -- Hokh
Nine -- Krith
Ten -- Zunn
Orcish Grammar
Personal nouns become plural by adding "-rim" for words ending in a hard consonant or "-im" for words ending in a soft consonant. Object nouns become plural by adding "-ri" for words ending in a hard consonant or "-i" for words ending in a soft consonant. Words ending in a vowel are pluralized by adding "-z".

The verb "to be" is used very seldom. A typical sentence structure for "I am hungry and I want to hunt some food." would be "(name) hungry. Want hunt food."

Pronouns are also quite rare. When proper nouns are not known, the person or thing spoken of is referred to as an object. (i.e. "That woman is ugly" = "Woman ugly" and "Get me that knife" = "Give knife.")

Adejctives generally come before the noun, although alternately they are used after in cases where this makes the word more pronounceable.

"-at" Verb Infinitive
"-ob" Of (case suffix)
"-uk" All (also "-uuk")
"-um" -ness
"-uurz" Adjectival suffix
"-hai" Great, superior
"-ishi" Within
"-ub" Future tense suffix
"-ul" Them, those
"-ug" -ing, present participle
"-an" "to", i.e. to make a verb of a noun
(example: "Kurv" (whore) "Kurvan" (copulate) "Kurvanug" (copulation) etc)

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